Monday, July 05, 2004

Born on the Fourth of July

Spent all day yesterday with several of my fellow JDE alumni: Mark, April, Alan, Matt, and Christy. I found it... relaxing, in a way that's difficult to describe (but I'm obviously about to try).

A cliche: they say that as you grow older, you come to appreciate ever more the people who knew you when you were young. True, I think, because the changes we go through in life matter as much as the person we are at any given moment in time. Or, to put it another way, shared experiences are the foundation of most friendships, and there are few people I've shared more experiences with than these people.

So... yeah. I can unwind around my oldest friends because, well, I feel normal. I don't have to worry about what they might think or say, because I already know perfectly well, and it's nothing to worry about. In fact, I get so laid back that they probably think me downright socially passive - I mostly listen, and rarely talk. When really, I'm just appreciating their company.

On that note: Mark and April are in Minnesota and doing well, apparently settled in to a truly blissful marriage. Alan is still in Lincoln, still erratic, inscrutiable, and brilliant. Matt has a job in Omaha but seems to be looking for a better one. Christy will be graduating with me in August and heading off to a job in England. And Drew, Alan's (and my old) roommate is still either completely without judgement or completely without fear.

In other news, I somehow found time to make it through two of the three papers I needed to finish this week. At this rate, I might actually manage to graduate. Again.

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