Friday, January 14, 2005


Even for an adult male, there's still something a little frightening when every light in the parking lot shuts off, for no apparent reason, while you're in the middle of it. A vast, frigid parking lot surrounded on two sides by forest, to be exact. It's like the lead-in to a scene from an action movie that you really don't want to star in.

The new carpet is in at my apartment; viewed from the wrong angle, it gives the rather disturbing illusion that the entire floor is undulating.

Fie on rising health care costs, even (especially) at a company that specializes in it. I switched to a plan this year that's significantly cheaper than my old one - at the 2005 rate schedule, that is. But I'm still paying noticeably more than I did last year, and it's that much less to take home. If I weren't single, frugal, and debt-free, I'd probably be even more peeved about it.

Going up north this weekend to see my dad for his birthday, and to see my godfather for some belated Christmas exchanges. Get the Marlon Brando impression out of your systems now. Done? Good. All this will be near Sioux City, but I'll pass through Lincoln on the way back Sunday night. If anyone wants to do dinner, give me a jingle that afternoon.

1 comment:

Travis said...

Awesome. The parking lot thing, not the healthcare thing.