So last night, around midnight, I get a call from my mother. She's stuck in the parking lot at Walgreens, 17th & South Street. Her car won't start. I drive out there, attempt to jump it, and fail. Since it's an automatic we can't roll-start it, either. So we call a tow truck and I get to wait there for it for over an hour while she leaves in my car. That was much, uh, yayness right there. Let me tell you, some strange people frequent Walgreens in the middle of the night.
But the freaky addendum to this sad tale is that, not twenty-four hours earlier, I was suffering with Derrick through the exact same problem. In both cases, the battery was dead - not discharged, but totally kaput and in need of replacement. At least his car was a manual, or it might have gotten towed too. Considering that your average car battery can last five years or more, what are the odds?
Justin: this is why we need you to invent better ones, and soon.
Wednesday, August 18, 2004
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