Monday, July 18, 2005

Spoileriffic Harry Potter Post #2

More ideas/questions:
  • Could one of the Horcruxes be inside Hogwarts? Perhaps inside that treasure room that Harry discovered?
  • Dumbledore lowered the castle's barriers in order to enter by air; will the professors be able to restore it?
  • What became of the children who Tom terrorized at the orphanage? Who else would have known of the cave's location?
  • J.K. Rowling has stated publically that the barman in Hogsmeade is Dumbledore's brother; so why does Aberforth continue to remain anonymous within the books?
  • Now that Dumbledore is dead, who is the secret-keeper for the Order? Relatedly, do Unbreakable Vows die with their makers?
  • How exactly did Dumbledore come to have a phoenix as a familiar? And what was that wierd display about at the funeral? Rowling has refused to comment on these matters, as they relate to Book Seven. In any event, I think it extremely unlikely that Dumbledore will somehow return from the dead; indeed, he once said in no uncertain terms that it is impossible.
  • Where did Dumbledore's new portrait come from? Does it have his memories?
  • The pivotal chapter is named "The Lightning-Struck Tower", which is the image on the Tarot card of disaster that Trelawney mentioned a few chapters earlier. Why point out her correct prediction, when Dumbledore makes such an impassioned speech denouncing prophesy?

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