Tuesday, July 27, 2004


Tom Rice is back! We, the living, had to suffer through three months of total radio silence that began the moment he got to Arizona, General Dynamics, and Amy. I suppose I can't entirely blame him, but I might gently remind him that he does have other friends. :) Anyway, he says he's going to start keeping up his blog again (link at right), so keep an eye on it.

I do have to raise one bullshit flag, though: Tom claimed that he didn't have Internet at home all this time because he was lazy and didn't get around to it. Please. For a geek of our stature, that's like saying you forgot to eat or drink for a few months. At least come up with a believable excuse...

Justin Bechtel also made his trimphant return to the Internet this week. I'd like to think it's because he missed me, but the truth probably has more to do with his wife's two-week vacation (alone) to go visit her family, and him being bored out of his skull. I wonder what it's like to reach that point in your marriage where you realize that your social lives revolve almost entirely around one another, and that you haven't really been alone in years. It seems scary, yet somehow alluring.

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