Wednesday, June 16, 2004

A beginning is a very delicate time

So, I finally broke down and made myself a weblog. As perhaps the only neo-luddite software engineer in existance, I seem to be the last one to jump on any given bandwagon. Would you believe that I don't even own a cellular phone? But this one I just couldn't ignore any longer.

More than that, though I've never kept a diary, I've always had long, literary rants pop into my head, on a variety of subjects, and usually late at night. Normally, I would simply IM them to my friends, but it's been happening later and later, so that nobody's awake by the time I need to talk. And if I wait until the next morning, it's all fallen apart.

So, here I am. This will be my official place to brain dump, when nowhere else will do. But I think I'll let it sit for a while, accumulate some content, before I start telling my friends. Otherwise, they'll expect me to have something clever to say every day...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Cool site.