Sunday, August 08, 2004


Back in Kansas City this weekend, this time looking for an apartment. I find myself attracted to the lofts downtown, as opposed to the various apartment complexes out in the suburbs. There's such a mind-numbing identicalness to seemingly every complex built in the last twenty years. Little beige boxes, all of them. A few high ceilings and exposed brick walls do more than you can imagine to raise my spirit. Also, by the time you get done considering utilities, parking, etc, their prices are really quite similar.

Other things to figure out: which banks have branches both in Lincoln and in Kansas City? Precious few, as it turns out.

Not quite the orgy of debauchery of past weekends, but I'm still having a good time over at Russ's. I keep meeting new faces in addition to the ones I've meet in weeks past. It's quite the little harem Rusty has going. Keeps life interesting, anyway.

Even I must admit that Doom 3 looks pretty sexy, though I still can't imagine playing it myself. I need a good excuse to buy a new video card (if not an entire system) in order to play something or other. Suggestions?

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