Wednesday, December 15, 2004


Finally got to see The Return of the King: Extended Edition with a couple of coworkers last night. We kept our mouths shut for the new scenes (which are mostly pretty excellent), but for much of the rest of the film, we MST3k'ed it. Which is to say, we made fun of the characters and their cliches, made sexual innuendos, told vaguely related stories, and generally took the movie to pieces.

That might horrify a few of my friends, but we had all seen it several times before, and it is excessively solemn and self-important sometimes. It's a sign of love, really. Also, the folks at New Line won me over by offering the box for the set separately, for those of us who've already bought all the films, at a mere $3. Frankly, it's something I wish more studios did more often.

My landlord has been slowly but surely replacing all of the hallway light fixtures in my building with much, much brighter versions. I'm not sure I care for it. Previously, they had that almost-but-not-quite dim ambiance of a hotel, or even Kauffman. But now it's like being in an interrogation room. Not much fun for my poor eyes in the morning.

A final tidbit for my friends from the Kansas City area: this spring, they're closing the I-35 river bridge. For up to nine months. Guess how I get to work in the morning? Gah...

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