Saturday, December 25, 2004

Stille Nacht

Ah, Christmas Eve. In my family this entails, roughly in chronological order: delivering gifts all over town, having Valentino's carry-out for dinner, going to church, and opening most but not all of our gifts. A bit curious, but it works for us.

I don't know if it was a good year for retailers in general, but things were certainly busy over at Walmart. Busier than I've ever seen it, in fact. A useful tidbit of information: 4x6 prints of digital photos are $0.19 there, but 5x7 prints are $1.47. That's an expensive inch, that is.

The service for the evening was "A Festival of Lessons and Carols", a format first popularized (and now broadcast worldwide) by King's College in Cambridge, I do believe. Bible readings alternating with Christmas carols and that's about it. It's an enjoyable way to spend an evening even if you aren't the slightest bit religious. It also reconfirmed my belief that Greensleeves is the best song ever written. But original lyrics please, none of that "What Child Is This?" nonsense. Silent Night would be a close second.

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