Tuesday, December 07, 2004


Some ironies grow richer with age, like a fine wine. For example: quite a few of my friends from college ended up working at General Dynamics, a military contractor. Meanwhile, I ended up at Cerner, a health care company. Killing people at one extreme, saving them at the other. I honestly don't mean that as a judgement, it's just what I think about sometimes.

Fire alarm at work today, the same hideously annoying variety that Kauffman has. I was amused at the number of managers who just closed their conference room doors and continued with their meetings. And even more amused at the good 15 minutes it took a fire trunk to arrive, long after the false alarm had been canceled and everyone had gone back to work. Makes you feel safe, doesn't it?

I'm going to be so poor by the end of the month, between Christmas presents, my remaining furniture, and the sales tax on my car. Donations welcome.

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