Thursday, December 16, 2004


Bob and Sean were in town for a concert last night, and we went out to the bars afterwards. A nice evening all around. But, we were out until 3:30, so I sorta took the morning off work. It was well worth it. Come back any time.

Funny things today:

* On my way to work, I saw what appeared at first to be a police cruiser. But then I saw the side: "Kansas City Missouri School Districts", and below that, "TRUANCY". I found it extremely amusing, for reasons I can't fully explain. I mean, I knew such things existed in some cities, but the idea of a cop devoted to dragging kids back to school...

* A few rows down from me, there was an avalanche of hundreds of balloons, completely blocking the aisle. Someone's birthday apparently, but still, wow.

Less funny things today:

* I was calling around to used video game stores today, looking for a particular item. Now, there are several chains of them in town, each with several locations. But none of them, including GameStop/Babbages, had the ability to search the inventories at other locations. I'm sorry, but in this day and age, that's just inexcusable.

* Someone thought it'd be fun to call in a prank bomb threat, thereby cutting Cerner's large, lavish, company-wide Christmas party a good hour short. A disgruntled former (or current) employee, I can only guess, but it's still a pretty shitty thing to do.

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